The Difference Between an Adjustment and Spinal Manipulation

When researching options to find relief from ongoing back or neck pain, you may come across the terms "chiropractic adjustment" and "spinal manipulation" and wonder if they refer to the same technique. We receive many questions about the difference between the two at our South Jordan chiropractic office. Though they sound similar, the two involve some key differences. Read on for a breakdown of our team of experienced chiropractors at South Jordan Chiropractic.

How Chiropractic Adjustments Work

Chiropractic adjustments (also called spinal adjustments) provided at our South Jordan chiropractic clinic involve our chiropractor expertly applying controlled, gentle force in a precise direction directly onto restricted spinal joints. This careful thrust realigns those joints to restore their proper motion and positioning. Realigning joints reduces inflammation and irritation that cause chronic pain. It also eliminates pinched nerves and muscle spasms. Most patients report immediately feeling greater mobility and reduced pain after the first few initial adjustments.

Understanding Spinal Manipulation Therapy

Spinal manipulation also attempts to restore normal motion and positioning of spinal joints. However, it relies on more generalized pulling, twisting, and rotating motions versus the very precise thrusts in a specific direction that chiropractic adjustments employ. Spinal manipulation techniques also typically involve stretching and mobilizing muscles and soft tissues along the spine rather than targeting solely the joints themselves. Finally, other providers like physical therapists perform spinal manipulation, while only licensed chiropractors carry out true chiropractic adjustments.

Contact South Jordan Chiropractic in South Jordan, UT

Both spinal manipulation therapy and chiropractic adjustments aim to provide back and neck pain relief by improving spinal joint positioning. However, there are clear differences in the preciseness of the techniques, methods of application, and required provider training.

At South Jordan Chiropractic, you can trust our team of licensed chiropractors who cumulatively log over 30 years of successfully performing expert adjustments to relieve pain and help patients enjoy their busy lives to the fullest. Are you looking for a chiropractor near you? Call us today to schedule your initial appointment.

South Jordan Chiropractic