Should kids see a doctor of chiropractic after a car crash?

As a parent I value my children as "the most precious cargo I could ever transport in a vehicle."  Whether just going to the store or to grandma's house, all of us want our children to be comfortable and safe in the car.  Car seats are a must for the little ones and they do help increase safety.

However, what are we required by law to do with a car seat after ANY car crash?  Yes, throw it a way and replace it with a new one.  What about the precious cargo that as IN the car seat?  

ER doctors have amazing skills for life threatening challenges.  Pediatricians are skilled in measuring childhood growth, germs, vaccines, etc.  Auto Accident injuries are an entirely different situation and require the aid of a CERTIFIED motor vehicle collision (MVC) occupant injury specialist physician, regardless of the patient's age.  Depending on the type and angle of the impact, the young child's body may be well secured in the car seat yet the head and neck is still at risk of injury.

After an accident, seek help from a MVC specialist or pediatric specialist chiropractic physician.  For a better understanding, enjoy this powerful and informative video.  

Other Questions:

* How do I know my child is hurt if they are not showing symptoms?

* Are sleep changes, mood changes, or difficulty latching on when nursing signs of MVC injury?

* Why doesn't an ER doctor or Pediatrician look for the injuries discussed in the video?

* Are there drug options to help my child or is chiropractic the best option after a crash?

South Jordan Chiropractic