Whiplash & How To Treat It

Whiplash is a common auto accident injury that occurs due to the impact of the collision. At South Jordan Chiropractic Healthcare in South Jordan, UT, our chiropractors, Dr. R. Jay Shetlin, Dr. Russell Terry, and Dr. Becky Altman, work with patients who are experiencing pain from injuries that may be from an auto accident or a condition. Chiropractic care is an excellent way to treat whiplash, and can be used as a sole treatment or in conjunction with other therapies.

How Whiplash Occurs

Whiplash happens when the muscles, ligaments, and tendons of your neck and upper cervical spine are injured due to abrupt and unexpected forward and backward motion. The injury is common during head-on collisions, as the neck is forcibly moved around without warning. You may not feel the symptoms immediately, since muscle spasms may not occur right away.

Symptoms of Whiplash and Treatment

Symptoms of whiplash include headaches, neck pain, shoulder pain, and limited range of motion in your neck. Treatment begins with addressing the pain and inflammation and easing neck strain. Our chiropractors utilize massage therapy and ultrasound therapy to improve blood flow in the affected region. Along with that, we’ll use chiropractic adjustment to ease tension and align the spine, and decompression techniques if you have any compression. With regular sessions, our chiropractors can reduce your pain and help you heal effectively.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

If you are experiencing whiplash from an auto accident, our team at South Jordan Chiropractic Healthcare in South Jordan, UT, is happy to assist you. We provide a variety of treatments that are designed to eliminate your discomfort and improve your overall health. To learn more about the benefits of chiropractic care or schedule your initial consultation with one of our chiropractors, contact us at (801) 446-5100 today!

South Jordan Chiropractic